Business Opportunity VS Investor Mindset

At least a few times a week I engage in this conversation with someone. The old opportunity Vs investor mindset. This will make the difference if you succeed or fail.

This exact concept is what caused me to fail for three straight years until I finally got it. I should’ve been making $50k a month a long time ago, but I had an opportunity seeker mindset.

Most people join a business opportunity with the wrong attitude and unrealistic expectations. This business isn’t hard, it doesn’t take rocket science and you don’t even need to be very smart (I understand one simple concept).

This business takes work and you need to enjoy the process. Most people enter this business with an opportunity seeker mindset just like taking diet pills to lose weight. Losing weight is a lot like making money (did I say I play boxe since 20 years?) because it takes being consistent and putting in the work daily.

When most people take a diet pill they take it for 3 weeks and then go on to say how it doesn’t work because they didn’t get their desired result. They didn’t even give the diet pill long enough to really take effect and start working it’s magic.

People do the same thing when it comes to making money online. They quit before they gain any major traction.

This is what we call an opportunity seeker mindset.

Now on the other hand we have realistic people who have what I call the investor mindset.

They understand:

– It takes money to make money.

– It takes learning a few basic skills first.

– It requires enjoying the process of learning and growing into a stronger, wiser and better version of yourself.

Now investor mindsets think of things a lot different than the opportunist. Opportunist see things with “how can I make money fast”

The investor looks at what people are buying and think to themselves “how can I serve this market”. This reminds me of my favorite story from Napoleon Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich Book”.

To give you the short version, Napoleon talks about this guy who hears about the gold rush and he convinces everyone in the town to loan him money.

He raises enough money to buy all the tools, hire men and set out to a nearby town to dig for gold. He promised everyone who invested to pay them back with interest from the gold he finds.

He dug for three straight months and finally he goes broke because he doesn’t discover any gold. He decides it’s time to quit, pack up shop and go back to the town with his head tucked between his legs and tell everyone he failed.

This guy is what we will call the opportunity seeker.

Now before he left he sold his equipment to a local farmer.

The farmer had no real education or any background in business, but he was smart enough to use logic and to realize he just needed to hire a land surveyor to find the fault line. Long story short the farmer (investor) become really rich and the man who originally dug for the gold was left feeling pretty crummy.

Now that man learned a very valuable lesson from all of this.

Never, ever, ever under any circumstances give up.

He later went on to be the richest insurance salesman of his time because he learned to never give up. Now this story is very similar to my story because I used to be the opportunity seeker jumping from one opportunity to the next.

Now I focus on one opportunity at a time, build it to a six figure + income and then add another to the mix.

I also learned that the key to creating a big income in this business was to focus on high ticket affiliate programs that pay out big commissions.

This allowed me to get less customers and make more money with only having to work a few hours a day. If you want to be the investor then this is the program I highly recommend (click here and look)

Make MONEY in Autopilot. Really?

If you’ve been on my email subscriber list for a little while this may be a bigger shocker to you but….

I almost never got started online.


I was scared.

I’ve never been very tech savvy. I knew how to check my email, look at Facebook and watch Youtube videos, but that it. I
remember when I first started and I spent a whole month trying to learn how to create a darn website. The aftermath wasn’t very pretty 😉

So I started spending my hard earned dollars hiring web developers to create a website for my business. This didn’t end well either because it was a lot of back and forth headaches and by the time it was complete I was frustrated with this whole online money making thing. At this point I started thinking the making money from the internet was only for “gifted people”.

I seen tons of people making lots of money and thats what kept the fire inside me that maybe one day I could make it all work.
Fortunately for me now the Internet has made it possible for me to makes thousands of dollars every day.

The internet is by far the best way to make money why you eat, sleep, work or do absolutely nothing at all. I make a very large
income online, but for a newbie it can be very frustrating to get up and running and making money fast.

The thing that drives me nuts is watching how many people give up before they ever make their first dollar online. 99% of the
time it’s because they let technology get in the way of making money.

I’ve went through this myself so I completely understand. Thankfully there are easier solutions these days that eliminate the
need to learn all of these technical skills. Theres programs like this one that has everything setup for you so that you can focus
on marketing and get into profit much faster.

If you’re looking to make a full time income online and you want to avoid all the technical stuff and have someone even do all
the selling for you then I have a solution for you.

The benefits of this system are:

– You don’t need to know how to do anything technical.

– You need zero selling or marketing skills.

– You don’t need a website or any special tools.

With this system:

– Everything is setup for you and ready to start making money.

– You get a dedicated six figure earner working with you to help you get results.

– You have a dedicated phone team doing all the selling for you.

– Theres a guarantee that if you don’t make your first $1000 in 30 days they will pay you $500 cash.

Theres a lot of business opportunities on the market, but very few will guarantee you will make money and stand behind it. I
have several successful people who have joined my team. Including an Indonesian girl making $37k, a guy making as much as $8k days and even one of the coaches is my old coaching student.

So this system works for everyday people all around the world and it will work for YOU too.

====> Test It Out Here

By joining you will get my bonuses:

– $2,000 coaching course which shows you exactly how I produce the results in my business.

– Access to my $997 a monthly mastermind coaching group where I show you everything I do and how to do it too.

– Other amazing Surprises! ($1,700 value)

====> Test It Out Here

If you try it out and you’re not happy simply ask for a refund.

How to make $100000 a Year online

I was just talking to a buddy and he was telling me how he’s on pace to make $100,000 his very first year online. He’s using the same system on which our group have made $120k in 5 months. However what amazed me is how this guy is on track to make $100k his very first year out of the gate.

So I asked him, what’s your secret?

To be honest I was a bit amazed because I struggled a long time before I hit success myself. So he told me just tapped into this system, followed what the coaches told him to do and now he’s getting consistent sales.

During our conversation one thing really shocked me.

He said……”I don’t understand why so many people struggle when they don’t have to”.

Then it struck me, he’s right.

Even when I started out in this industry I wanted to overcomplicate things and let myself think the successful people must know something I don’t. However my friend here come into this business with the right attitude and he never once let it cross his mind that he would fail.

He said……I just joined, followed what the coaches told me and made money and then scaled up.

I will be honest, I almost felt stupid that it took me years to figure out how easy this business really is and he figured it out in months of starting. The only difference was he followed the system and I tried to make up my own way of doing things.

Do you make the same mistake?

What if you actually shut out those negatives thoughts in your head and you actually listened to what someone successful told you to do and followed the steps to get results?

This business comes down to generating leads, position the offer, make sales and if you follow the simple steps it’s a game proof plan to six figures.

Here’s where you start CLICK >> SIX FIGURES <<

You will get:

– A coach to walk you through the whole process.
– All the tools you need to get up and running and in profit fast.
– A GUARANTEE that if you don’t make at least $1000 they will pay you $500 cash.
– Full money back guarantee so the risk is all on them.
– Get to work with me and I share all my traffic sources to get results.

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Instead take my friends approach and follow the steps.

Get Success Online

One of the biggest questions I get from my readers is this: “Massimo, how long does it take to get success?”

Ready for the answer?

It takes one second to become successful. Success is simply a mindset, it requires a shift in the way you think and it requires YOU to make a decision. Success isn’t something that is based on luck or only reserved for the gifted.

When I started I had zero skills, no background with computers and outside of using Facebook and checking my email thats all that I knew how to do. Success requires you to make a decision to put in the work, hold yourself accountable and for you to actually be responsible for your own results.

Most people never reach success because they say things like:

– I’m going to give this a shot.

– I hope this works out.

– I’m going to test this out and if see some results I will fully commit myself.

These types of people will never be successful in anything they do.

===> Make The Decision To Be Successful Here!

It’s kind of like taking weight loss pills and if you start to see results then you make the decision to go to the gym and lift weights. Things don’t work like that!

Most people write me expecting me to give them a cookie cutter response like “it will be 45 days from now and you will make $20k”. I wish it was that simple, but it isn’t.

I’ve seen some people get results in just a few weeks.

Some people it took months.

Some people even take years. However it’s not about long it takes them to get results.

===> Make The Decision To Be Successful Here!

They made a DECISION and they committed to see it through until they get the results they desire. They decided no matter how tough it got or what obstacles they may face that it wouldn’t beat them.

They decided if someone else is making $1k + a day online then “damn it” they can too. Thats what separates the successful from the people not making any money online.

Most people aren’t and never will be successful because they didn’t make the DECISION to be. If you’re not successful yet then do yourself a favor and make that decision right now.

===> Make The Decision To Be Successful Here!

Not tomorrow, not next month and not when you think the time is right……….but do it RIGHT NOW!

This is your life and everyday you let go by that you didn’t make that decision is a day you lost and you can’t get back.

I made the decision a long time ago and every successful person in business, sports or anyone who has ever achieved anything great made that decision as well.

It’s not about how long does it take to be successful……

It’s about making the DECISION to be successful.

If I never made that decision a few years back I would not be making $400,000+ on the internet. If you haven’t made that decision you can do that here.

The Best Business of your life

Do you believe it? Over the last years I’ve had the pleasure to help a lot of people get results online. I’ve done my best to share how to live life on your terms.

Nothing is better than having people tell you how their life has completely CHANGED because of something you shared with them. I’m really thankful for the life that I have and being blessed to make so much money online by helping others.

However something that I’ve noticed over time is that I’ve helped a lot of people get results, but some people seem to try and try, but they never seem to get any success. Both of these groups of people have something in common.


On one side of the fence the successful people believe they can have success and they deserve to achieve all of their dreams.

While the other group of people don’t believe they will ever be able to make it work or they think they’re not smart enough.

I’ve come to realise one thing…..

I can show you exactly what I do, I can guide you down the path and I can give you the exact blueprint I use in my very own business.

But………YOU have to believe it.

You have to believe you can achieve it.

You have to believe you deserve it.

You have to believe that if someone else has done what you want to do then so can you. You have BELIVE it to be possible for yourself before you will ever see it.

That’s the issue most people face.

I remember when I first started I would look at other successful people and admire the life they lived, I would fantasize about how great it would be to do what I want, when I want and how I want to.

But……there was one problem. I didn’t believe in my own heart that I could ever achieve it.

If you asked me even one year ago….

“Massimo, do you think you could make $1k—$10k in a day?”

I would have laughed at you. Now it’s a very normal thing for me.

You see, until you truly believe it’s possible for you it will never happen.

This is not your fault though. From an early age we are told things like:

– Money doesn’t grow on trees.
– Rich people are evil.
– Prepare for the worst.
– Life is hard so get used to it.
– No pain, No gain
– Shit happens.
– Don’t get your hopes up.
– You don’t always get what you want.
– Save for a rainy day just incase something bad happens.

I could continue with a million other self limiting beliefs people often say that you’ve probably heard.

So……if this is the kind of crap you’re led to believe since you were just a young child how are you ever supposed to believe that you can live a life completely on your terms?

The do what you want, when you want and how you want type of lifestyle. If you want to change your lifestyle you need to get honest with yourself and figure out what you truly believe. Your beliefs, these self limiting beliefs people have pushed off on you and everything you hear in the media isn’t permanent.

Beliefs are just ideas you’ve come to accept as the truth and you no longer think about or question. This is why rich people can lose everything and gain it all back very quick.

It’s also the reason a poor person can win the lottery and be poor again in a few years. It’s the way they think and it’s their BELIEFS.

You see if you believe:

– You’re meant to be poor.
– Not meant to have nice things.
– Doomed to be unhappy all your life.
– Will never be able to be successful.
– Aren’t smart enough.
– Will always have poor relationships.

Then……this is what your life will always be because it’s what you BELIEVE.

If you’re not happy in your life right now, if you’re not making the type of money you deserve, if you’re not excited about your future and if you’re not living the lifestyle you desire then it’s time to take a look at your life and what you need to change.

>>>> I Would Suggest You Start Here <<<<

Once I made the decision to align myself with the right system, surround myself with the right people and I started to BELIEVE it was possible for me I was able to take this system and start making $1k-$2k a day.