6. Asking for help

“I once was told in a job interview, ‘You can’t have this job if you can’t ask for help when you need it. Naturally, I found out that the previous person with that job had screwed up big-time because he was in over his head but couldn’t admit it and didn’t ask for help.”

Knowing when you need help and then asking for it is surprisingly difficult to learn and do because no one wants to be perceived as weak or incompetent. But doing so makes you look more, not less, capable.

7. Knowing when to shut up — and actually doing it

You can’t go around whining about every other thing that seems not-so-right to you in this world. Sometimes you just need to shut up.

There are many instances when keeping to yourself is the best course. When we are angry, upset, agitated, or vexed, we blurt out anything and everything that comes to our mind.” And later, you tend to regret it.

Keeping your mouth shut when you’re agitated is one of the most valuable skills to learn, and of course, one of the most difficult.

8. Listening

Most of us in the workplace are so overwhelmed with things to do — instant messaging, phones ringing. I mean, our brain can only tolerate so much information before it snaps. One tip for active listening is repeating back what you heard to the other person. “It makes things so much easier when everyone is on the same page.

9. Minding your business

It takes ages to learn and master something in life. Sticking your nose into other people’s work isn’t helpful and wastes time and resources. You have no right to put forth your two or four cents, even if you are the last righteous person standing.

10. Mastering your thoughts

To do what you want to do and accomplish what you want to accomplish, you need to consciously direct your thinking.

“The challenge is that we are the product of our past experience and all of our thinking is the result of this,” he says. “However, the past does not equal the future.”

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