Business VISION and the Lack of FOCUS

If your vision was clear, if you were laser focused on that goal and you knew exactly what you want to achieve you wouldn’t be doing any of the three things below:

1)) Most people ask all the wrong questions.

2)) Most people think all the wrong thoughts.

3)) Most people do all the wrong things.

The reason for all three of these things is because of the lack of focus.

You wouldn’t be asking what should I do to get results. You would be thinking will I ever reach success or what am I missing. You wouldn’t be wandering aimlessly in all different directions hoping the next shiny object or the net traffic method is going to be the winner.

Take a look around. Now look a little more. Who do you see getting results? What are they doing everyday?

Do they do FB posts everyday? Do they blog? Do they email their list daily? Do they buy solo ads? Do they do FB ppc?

Theres a reason they do what they do 🙂 … When you have such a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve these silly questions and self doubts are no more. I used to ask all the wrong questions like:

How does (insert leader name) get so many people following them.

How does (insert leader name) make so many sales all the time.

What am I missing and why isn’t this working?

The reason for this……I was all over the damn place. Then I sat down one day and defined what I wanted to achieve in business, my personal life and what I wanted my dream life to look like. Suddenly things started to slap me right in the face and I had clarity.

I stopped buying the programs and being the consumer and flipped the switch and became the marketer. I put two and two together which equals five(just kidding, have to make sure you’re following me here)

Back to the point……I started paying attention to people and watching what they were doing. I devised a plan and got to work and created my own version.

Pretty soon my bank account got bigger, more opportunities presented themselves and now my life is pretty darn fantastic. Now this didn’t happen overnight, but it happened very fast once I got clear with what I wanted out of life and defined how fast I was going to achieve it.

So if you’re getting mediocre results at best it’s probably because you have no focus and you’re easily swayed when you see new opportunities or read something a leader says is the right thing to do.

For me I can’t be swayed. No matter what people say it goes in one ear and out the other unless it’s from a mentor I hire to take me to the next level. This business requires you to learn a few skills, remain focused and be willing to put in the dues to master your craft.

If you get clear on your vision and stay focused everything else will work itself out 😉 Stop worrying about what could happen and start making it happen.

Stop saying what if I invest the money and lose when if you decide you will win no matter what, it’s impossible to lose. When you define what you want out of life and you truly believe in it and you remain focused on that goal not even a freight train can take you off the track to success.


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