Word Of Mouth Or Email Marketing System?
Email marketing is a very simple concept which is also extremely cost effective. The great aspect of email marketing is that when the email recipients receive an email which they think is worthwhile they are likely to make a purchase and may also forward the information onto a friend or family member they think might be interested in this information as well.
The ability to forward email messages has become comparable satisfied customers using word of mouth to tout the quality of the products or services they received. However, the ability to forward a worthwhile email message is exponentially more effective than using word of mouth to spread the word.
With just a few clicks of the mouse, the original email recipient can forward the message to several of his friends at once. This can result in significantly better results than the business owner had originally intended with no additional effort on behalf of the business owners.
Sometimes the benefits of email marketing are quite different than anticipated. Most Internet marketers understand the basic concept of email marketing which is to email promotional materials to a large group of Internet users to promote an interest in your products or services.
This concept is easy for many to understand but sometimes there are added benefits to email marketing. This additional reach can be either a positive or a negative depending on the quality of the original emails and the reactions of the original recipients.
The general idea behind email marketing is that an email is sent to an email distribution list and these emails are intended to create an interest in the products or services offered by the originator of the email.
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In theory this concept could not be simpler but email marketing
can get significantly more complicated. One of the biggest complicating factors
is the potential for the emails used in the marketing campaign to be viewed as
spam by either the recipient of the email or the spam filter provided by the
Internet service provider.
Paying special attention to your email distribution list and only including
recipients who had specifically asked for additional information will help to
keep your emails from being viewed as spam.
One way to acquire email addresses for the purposes of orchestrating an email
campaign is to ask interested customers to register with your website and
specify whether or not they wish to receive future emails with additional
information, advertisements or other useful tips.
This ensures the recipients of your emails are genuinely interested in your
products and services and are not likely to view your emails as spam. This
potential alone creates a major complication because Internet marketers have to
make a significant effort to assure their messages are not trapped by a spam
filter or immediately deleted by the recipients for appearing to be spam.
Once the email messages get through to the recipient, they have a small window
of opportunity to make a positive impression on the recipients and influence him
to make a purchase or at least visit the business owner’s website.
Providing quality content, keeping advertising subtle and at a minimum and
providing a clear call to action are all factors which can help to get the
message across and entice the potential customer to make a purchase or at least
visit the website to research the products and services a little bit more.
As previously stated the goal of an email marketing campaign is to convince the
email recipient to either make a purchase or visit the website to obtain more
When an email recipient performs either one of these actions, it is considered a
huge success. However, thanks to the power of the forward button email marketing
can actually be much more successful than even the business owner intended.
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Write down this secret asap: “Create Connections with People “. ….apply the secret to your business 🙂
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Remember: your success depends by connections with people.
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